* 24. Mai 1975 / Granada, Nicaragua
Email: juaneli@yahoo.com
Homepage: juanelirodriguez.wordpress.com
school of arts „Bellas Artes” Managua, Nicaragua
1993 – 1998
experimental art „Casa de los Tres Mundos” Granada, Nicaragua
member of the collective of arts VAGONI Granada, Nicaragua
studies in Bonn, Germany with Gottfried Helnwein
photography, airbrush, hyperrealism, history of arts
student of Jesús Nunes, actual Ddirector of the school of arts „Escuela
Superior de Artes” en Galizia, Spain
methods of lithograph and print in the studio Baumhaus in Bonn,
Germany under the leadership of the teacher of arts Wolfgang Hunecke
individual expositions and expositions of grouPS
Teatro Nacional Ruben Dario, Nicaragua
Art Museum Aspen, Colorado, USA
Segunda Bienal Arte Correo „Alas de Papel” Spain, USA, Mexico, Nicaragua
Schitching new millenium, Amsterdam, Netherlands
galery of arts for SO, Amsterdam, Netherlands
about the art of juanelí rodrígeuz
The expressionistic art of Juanelí Rodríguez contains explosive colours, free gesture and strong abstraction. The artist is exploring the interior of the human being. The discovery of new patterns is the most important part of his art.
The humorous and also ironic moments of several works of Juanelí Rodríguez show the unresting aspect of the artist, who uses the phantasy of plain simplicity and the exciting world of dreams. The works fascinate because of their power and sensuality of tropical colours and lights of oil and acrylic on canvas.
Juan Eli sometimes uses forms and objects of famous artists, alienates them and puts them in a new context, whereby he challenges the old heritage and gives the possibility to find new points of view. The term of nation and frontier is consciously crossed, because Juan Eli is looking for universality with his art.
The experiences from the collaboration with Wolfgang Hunecke in the sector of art design, his education in the “Casa de los Tres Mundos” in Granada in Nicaragua and the work with other famous artists made Juan Elí using extraordinary materials for his works, which add a deep clearness and three-dimensionality.
Furthermore the use of these materials shows, that Juan Eli’s works are similar to the works of the spanish artist Antonio Tápies and the style of informalism, a movement, which arised in postwar-period, as well as Juan Eli in the 90ties was also influenced by the consequence of the war in Nicaragua.
Amongst other things Juan Eli is looking back on a cooperation with Jesús Núñez, the director of the foundation CIEC in Galicia-Spain, with Allison Wickl from Great Britain, withh Leopolado Morales Praxedis, graphic artist from Mexico, who is very famous for his linocuts as well as Antonio Zarro from Brasilia amd Juan Bernal Ponce from Chile, who died in 2006.
In september of 2007 Juan Eli exhibited his works in the house of the mayor of Borgo Maggiore in San Marino. Francesca Michelotti, the culture minister of San Marino visited the exhibition. She was that enthusiastic, that she bought a painting, which is now exhibited in the national museum of the Republic of San Marino.