The Foundation Casa de los Tres Mundos (Casa Tres Mundos) is an institution created to initiate, support and promote cultural projects in Nicaragua and Central America. Besides these artistic, musical and educational activities, which emphasize support for the poorer segments of Nicaraguan society, the foundation finances and coordinates an integrative rural development project in Malacatoya.
»Art and culture are just as important as food and drink. Culture promotes identity and gives us roots – art lends us wings.« (Dietmar Schönherr)
The founders of Casa Tres Mundos have built up the foundation based on the conviction that development aid should not only concentrate on economic aspects, because the causes of underdevelopment and poverty are not entirely confined to material needs. Only by combining material, educational and cultural elements can a development program be effective in the long term and support sustained prosperity.
Furthermore, a core concern of the foundation is promoting a cultural exchange between the European tradition and the rich artistic potential of Central America. Being an international cultural center, the Foundation Casa de los Tres Mundos rejects the idea of forcing imported cultural elements on a Third World country. Instead, it aims to serve as a connection between these traditions, and by mutual enrichment to promote awareness of the diverse cultural roots of the country. The foundation intends to mobilize the creative potential of the local people, to rediscover buried cultural heritage and to help a young nation search for a unique identity.
[insert page=’history-building’ display=’title’] [insert page=’history-building’ display=’content’] [insert page=’history-fundacion-casa-de-los-tres-mundos’ display=’title’] [insert page=’history-fundacion-casa-de-los-tres-mundos’ display=’content’] [insert page=’renting’ display=’title’] [insert page=’renting’ display=’content’]Casa de Tres Mundos has at its disposal two seminary halls that can be rented by companies, institutions and private persons. The small seminary hall has air conditioning and a capacity for 45 people. The large auditorium can be used for events with up to 250 people. It’s also possible to rent the whole building for festivities or conferences. The Foundation Casa de los Tres Mundos provides technical equipment on inquiry.
Contact us: or Tel: (+505) 552-4176