It originates in the beginning of the year 1990, when the first art workshops for children from Granada were organized due to the effort of the Finnish artist Alison Wiklund and the help of the KEPA (finnish foundation).
Afterwards these workshops were directed by the artist Paúl Morales, until in 1992 the artist and art teacher Ligia Sandino is named intern responsible of the Art School which at this time was called “Taller de Arte Infantil” and was specialized in drawing, painting and handicrafts. From 2004 on the Art School is named “Taller INFANTIL”.
From 1999 to 2005 the workshop realized a series of murals which reflect the granadian life seen through the childrens eyes. They have a size of 4×1.8 m and 3x1m and were made of acrylic paint on canvas. All in all three murals were finished:
“The world in which we want to live”
Donated to Germany
“Granada in the eyes of the children”
Donated to the Universidad Centroamericana UCA in Managua and serves as a permanent exposition
“Celebrations and Legends of Granada”
Exposed in the Taller INFANTILARTE
Apart from that, a painting installation was realized on carton and named “Escutcheon of Granada” with a size of 3×2 m. Apart from this the workshop presented manual works and published a book on national level with tales written by the children and illustrated with gravures by the same authors.
Moreover they organized traveling expositions of paintings and drawings in Stuttgart, Germany.